Walking the Fence
I’m responsible for four humans who are between the ages of 16-21 years old (three are offspring and one is niece). About a year ago, all three were playing a game in the dining room while I was lounging in the living room. I heard one say, “It just occurred to me. I’m the only straight cis person in this room!” Sure enough, I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m blessed to get to parent a bunch of rainbow umbrella kids. They are proud of who they are. And I’m proud they have discovered, or are discovering, their identities. So it’s no secret around here. We’re all out… and figuring it out. I’m also a United Methodist pastor. And for anyone who follows along with denominational things, this is a tough week. We have a lot of “tough weeks” as a denomination because we are anything but united. This particular week is tough because a significant part of the denomination is leaving to form a new denomination. W...