The robe

I just got back from my first annual conference as a voting clergy person.  Given the year I've had in ministry, the three days were a roller coaster of emotions.

Here's me in my robe... first time I've worn one.  Generally I hate them, and I'll blog about #thestoleproblem at some point.  But I have to say, wearing this robe was special. 

The robe actually belonged to my aunt Jane who died several years back.  Most ordination ceremonies include a time for those who feel called to ministry to come forward for encouragement and prayer.  It would be a strange sight to see a robed person going forward.  After all, anyone wearing a robe is already clergy and has answered his/her call.

But I did go forward--in my robe--straight to my where my district superintendent was stationed.  She has been an incredible support to me.  I gathered courage and said:

I'm coming up to tell you a story.  I first felt my call when I was 17 at my aunt's ordination ceremony.  She made her own robe and I'm wearing it for the first time today.  When I was 17, they did this very thing at my aunt's ceremony, but I didn't come forward for prayer because I was just 17 and scared.  So I'm finally coming up today, lots of years later.

My district superintendent hugged me, and while I held onto her, through my tears and hers, she prayed for my calling and all that brought me to this point... and blessed the fabric of the robe.

What's really weird.... the robe is embroidered with Vines. 


  1. Your aunt, and my dear friend, was my mentor in ministry. She and I were going to get together "some day" so she could teach me to sew deacon stoles. I hope you have some of her stoles to go with that robe. Your message brings tears, thank you for sharing


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