Busy Spring

We are having a very, very busy spring.  I have finished teaching and learning for a few weeks, so I wanted to post a few of the spring happenings.

Samuel was in a music listening competition. His fifth grade team made it to state, headed to Madison, and received first place finish.  This is a picture of them performing their "project," which was unscored, but still fun.  Samuel is in the middle.  They were recognized by the school board this week too.

Em had a birthday!  Party with friends is happening next weekend at the Children's Museum.

Spring biking in MARCH!  Believe it or not. 
Yes, Emilee finally learned how to ride a bike, and now after all the resisting, we can't get her to stop.

Samuel's band and choir concert.
Faith played Jackie Kennedy at her school's wax museum.
Piano recital for Faith.

Plus, baseball has started, so Paul and Samuel are busy with that.  Samuel has been on two Boy Scouts camping trips (without dad!) this spring.  Paul was selected to deliver the senior speech, so he is getting ready for that.  Sports days, field trips, etc, etc, etc.  And I am involved in some academic advisement (for myself), and curriculum updates. 


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