A View from the Rooftop
After my fall semester, I wrote a blog post about how seminary was going for me. Now that I have finished my spring semester, I thought I would do it again. After my fall semester, I wrote about totally 'getting into' the Bible, since I had been taught what to do with it. Here's the original post: http://www.christensenshare.blogspot.com/2011/12/so-how-is-seminary-going.html My big "take-away" from the fall: I learned the technique of Biblical exegesis--knowing history, using literary analysis techniques, utilizing word/language studies and grammatical criticism, etc, etc, etc. But now onto the spring semester.... My big "take-away" from the spring: Scripture is always interpreted. ALWAYS. And usually through a filter of religious doctrine/dogma/tradition. Much of what I thought was in the Bible was actually tradition (a.k.a. religious dogma). My Bible professor from this semester forced me...