Summer Reading
Live Wins by Rob Bell - Easy and fun to read with Paul who has had the same thoughts as Bell. Check.
Schools Cannot Do It Alone by Jamie Vollmer - Easy read and great pick me up. Check.
The Death and Life of the Great American School System by Diane Ravitch - Harder, long chapters, need to know how to read research reviews and history texts. Check.
Food Rules by Michael Pollan - Don't want to read, but feel convicted to. Will read at cabin this week. I hope it gives me enough motivation to change. Otherwise, I will just feel guilty about not changing how we eat.
Schools Cannot Do It Alone by Jamie Vollmer - Easy read and great pick me up. Check.
The Death and Life of the Great American School System by Diane Ravitch - Harder, long chapters, need to know how to read research reviews and history texts. Check.
Food Rules by Michael Pollan - Don't want to read, but feel convicted to. Will read at cabin this week. I hope it gives me enough motivation to change. Otherwise, I will just feel guilty about not changing how we eat.
Kelly, you misspelled Love Wins as Live Wins.
P.S. It's a good book.