4th of July, Wild Goose, and Addicts Saving My Faith
I find my husband’s family—the Christensen clan—is absolutely delightful. Fourth of July is a big event for us. I’ve been to Hill City’s Independence Day celebration since 1996, except for one year, last summer. I was super busy doing an internship in recovery ministry, and just couldn’t get away. But this year I was back, and wow… something strange happened. After taking a year off, everything felt new again. The same feelings I had in 1996 came back: “Wow, this is so much fun. What a sense of family! What a sense of community! Babies to seniors, all playing together. Pontoon rides, campfires, fireworks, street games, etc, etc, etc.” After going north for the 4 th of July year after year, it’s almost as if I was desensitized to the whole sensory experience of it. So this year, it all came flooding back. And what’s even stranger, the thin...