
Showing posts from October, 2013

Looking up

Since I am at my internship site for worship on Sundays, I haven't been around my own church (NRUMC) very much.  Paul and the kids are still involved--Samuel is in Wednesday night youth group; Faith and Emilee are in Sunday school; Paul is leading a Sunday morning Rob Bell series for youth; and they all try to make it to worship most Sundays.  The view looking up. Last week, I got missing (longing for) NRUMC.  I had a lot going on in my life, and I just wanted to be around the people who have nurtured me--the people who make cookies for my kids, give me a National Geographic bag when I use a picture from the magazine in a sermon, write me notes of support, stand up for me in meetings, pick songs I like, ask my opinion on stuff that doesn't matter to me, randomly wonder about the Bible aloud in my presence, etc., etc., etc.  Mostly I just wanted someone to ask, "How's it going...