A conversation Faith and Dad had coming home from piano lesson today, 10/13/10. Faith: So . . . what should I be when I grow up? Dad: Oh, well, I think a doctor. Faith: Why do you always say that? Dad: I think you’d be good at it. . . . You could be a teacher. Faith: Well, after I got used to the fur I could be an animal doctor. Dad: Oh, a veterinarian? Faith: Yeah. Or I could hide toys and people could find them. Dad: What? Faith: I could hide toys in places and kids would find them. Dad: What kind of job is that? Faith: Or I could sell furniture. Dad: Oh? Faith: I could sell furniture and clothes and hide toys. Dad: So you want to go into retail? Faith: What that? Dad: Selling stuff, like furniture. Faith: Or I could do food. Dad: Eating food? A job eating food? Anyone can eat food. Faith: No, not eating. Dad: Oh. Faith: It’s—what’s it called? Dad: A grocer. Someone who sells groceries. Faith: No, not that. Dad: A restaurateur. You want to run a restaurant...